Cinnabun is a very cute, well-made grade 8 year old, 14.2 Hand Appaloosa gelding. This is a gentle and user friendly horse to ride and be around. In the arena he has a good one hand neck rein and a…
Rolex is an attractive, well made and gentle grade 8 year old, 14.2 Hand buckskin gelding with good foot and bone and color to match! This is a get along kind of horse turned out with all other…
“Manny” is sired by REY DUAL (LTE $123,448), the ONLY full brother to the LEGENDARY Dual Rey and out of a producing Dam of multiple money earners in a variety of disciplines. This is a very well…
Trail horse supreme here! Cookie is a 10 year old 14 hand thick made and sturdy built haflinger mare that could be the most outstanding sure footed dependable trail horse we have ever had! She has…
Pepsi is a beautiful, very gentle and well trained AQHA 9 year old 14.3 hand bay mare. This horse has quickly become Kaylee's favorite! Pepsi has great conformation and the most wonderful disposition…
Super nice bay tobiano with a white mane and a black tail. Very gentle and 100% safe and sound. Call for more details. Sold! Sorry you missed him. We have others so feel free to give us a call and…
Super cute 14.2 hand 10 year old buttermilk buckskin gelding. He is a 4 wheel drive machine in the mountain trails and has done all the ranch chores doctoring, sorting ,branding. Super fun horse…
Mr. T is one cool looking thick made 8 year old 14.3+ hand bay roan gelding. This horse is gentle and very quiet minded but will kick it up to get a job done and really aims to please his rider. He…
Wall-E is a cute 9 year old 14.1 hand grade sorrel tobiano gelding that is puppy dog gentle and safe for the whole family. He has a nice slow and smooth easy to sit jog and lopes out easy. This easy…
This is the coolest! he rides the trails, does the ranch chores and is awesome for young and old. Sold! Sorry you missed him. We have others so feel free to give us a call and see if we have a match…
Shadow is a well put together and very cute 8 year old 14.3 hand black gelding. He has quickly become the favorite ride around here and any time we go riding everyone wants to ride him! Kelly loves…
Foxy is an extremely good natured AQHA 9 year old 14.1+ hand dark buckskin gelding. This is a really sweet and gentle horse that will meet you at the gate in the pasture ready and willing to do…